

Enhancing Accountability, Boost Productivity

  • Efficiently oversee on-site employees to enhance productivity and team coordination, while ensuring strict compliance with designated geo-fence boundaries, for improved security and accountability.
  • Efficiently oversee on-site employees to enhance productivity and team coordination, while ensuring strict compliance with designated geo-fence boundaries, for improved security and accountability.

Employee Monitoring

Navigate Work Hours with Ease

  • Stay updated on your team’s progress while travelling

  • Monitor your staff attendance from anywhere, anytime

  • Offers a user-friendly interface, allowing employees to effortlessly log their hours and tasks, reducing administrative burden and enhancing accuracy

Analytics & Productivity

Gain insights on productivity through comprehensive analytics

  • Dive  deep  into  workforce productivity and performance with insightful reports. Harness detailed earnings summaries and attendance trends for informed decisions. Effortlessly streamline payroll and financial planning.

  • Make data-driven decisions with detailed analytics and reporting. Track employee movements, project progress, and key metrics with live reports and customizable graphs.Stay informed and in control with real-time monitoring features.

Compliance & Regulations

  • Stay compliant with labor regulations and facilitate easy auditing. Our app provides detailed logs and documentation, simplifying the process of regulatory compliance and ensuring airtight records.

  • Ensure seamless compliance with workplace regulations and employee documentation. Stay informed about worker locations, ID/passport validity, vacation eligibility, and durations effortlessly. Receive notifications for any other necessary updates your company may need.

Payroll Management

Your whole team’s payroll all within a single app

  • TimeKeeper’s automated payroll calculation guarantees accurate compensation, freeing up your time and effort and fostering productivity.

  • Redefining ease of access with TimeKeeper App’s Monthly & Yearly Automatic Salary Calculation.

User Experience

Enhanced functionality for employee empowerment

  • The app’s user-friendly design ensures a seamless experience, from login to accessing vital information and submitting reports

  • From timesheets and salary summaries to online applications and announcements, our employee app covers it all. Empower your team with the ability to submit various reports and applications effortlessly, enhancing overall productivity.

Data Security

Security You Can Trust

  • Protect sensitive data with state-of-the-art security measures. Our app ensures that only authorized personnel have access to critical information, safeguarding your business against
    potential risks.

  • Our TimeKeeper App ensures secure access with advanced authentication protocols like Fingerprint and Facial Recognition. With our rigorous security measures,  we  protect  your  data  against  cyber threats, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.

Live Chat System

Easy and convenient way to connect with your staff.

  • Instantly communicate with team members for quick updates and problem-solving.

  • Enables managers, supervisors, & company administrators to communicate with their staff right through the app.

  • Connect instantly with the team on work-related matters directly within the app.


Connect. Inform. Manage. Effortlessly.

  • Keep your whole staff up-to-date with company updates, local holidays, and memorandums.

  • Enable seamless communication. Share memos and announcements online for all team members to stay informed.

  • Broadcast crucial updates efficiently, fostering collaboration and productivity.